Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Puppy stuff

Today I picked up the last of the puppy stuff before Paddy arrives. Here is our list so far of what we have

Crate - donated by Nicole, THANKS!
playpen for keeping puppy safe
baby kong
chew stick
three different toys
id tag
food and water bowl
tinkle bells
pooppy bags and bag holder

WOW what a list!!!! and I know it will continue to grow as our puppy needs new things.
It is very funny I have always been an animal lover but I have never been a puppy owner and I am in love already! I love this little boy before I have even gotten him home.

Puppy arrives on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. oh, lucky lucky you! i love puppies. sounds like you're super well-prepared. i so look forward to reading about your adventures.
